Before you download, you should have read the information about the program you are going to download (use the menu to open the information page you need).

If you have done so, please click the button below to download, then save the file.

The program you downloaded is version 1.04 (last version).

All required files are in the downloaded file, including program files for Access 32 bit and Access 64 bit, database file, and other supporting files.

Open the file you downloaded, then extract the INV folder to the location where you want to place the Inventory Control program.

Before you start running , READ the User Guide file that is included. You must understand how this program works first in order to run it successfully and save your time.



  • If you have downloaded and used the Inventory Control program before, you only need to download the program update. Do not overwrite the database file or your data will be lost!
  • If you have just downloaded this program, you do not need to download the update program, because the program you download is the most recent version.